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2016年6月20日,第二届中国-中东欧国家卫生部长论坛在江苏省苏州市召开。会上,中国-中东欧国家公共卫生合作机制宣布成立,该机制将有力促进中国疾控中心与中东欧国家级公共卫生对口机构的未来合作。论坛期间, 、捷克共和国总理博胡斯拉夫·索博特卡、。该备忘录提出了重点加强高致病性传染病(如埃博拉、寨卡病毒、中东呼吸综合征和禽流感等)的防控、传染病监测、研究与健康促进、公共卫生应急反应技术支持等领域的合作与交流。通过合作拟促进两机构在以上所述领域的人力资源开发、能力建设,信息交流,经验、知识和技术共享前言







•     生肉与熟食或即食食品应分开以避免污染。对生肉和其它食物不使用同一块案板或同一把刀。拿生熟食物之间要洗手,不将熟食放还煮熟前所放的同一个盘子或表面。

•    在不加热处理或烹煮的食物制品中不使用生蛋或水煮嫩蛋。在处理完生肉之后,用肥皂和水彻底洗手。清洗和消毒所有接触过生肉的表面和器具。





What Do You Need to Know About Eating Chicken and H7N9?

Is it safe to eat meat, for example, poultry and egg products? The simple answer is YES if you have it properly cooked well. 

Influenza viruses are not transmitted through consuming well-cooked food. Because influenza viruses are inactivated by normal temperatures used for cooking (so that food reaches 70°C in all parts -"piping" hot - no "pink" parts), it is safe to eat properly prepared and cooked meat, including from poultry and game birds.  Eggs should be thoroughly cooked through with no soft or “runny” parts.

In areas experiencing outbreaks, meat products can be safely consumed provided that these items are properly cooked and properly handled during food preparation. The consumption of raw meat and uncooked blood-based dishes is a high-risk practice and should be discouraged.

You should always remember that diseased animals or animals that have died of diseases should not be eaten. 

To make sure you are preparing your meat safely, here are some tips: 

  • Always keep raw meat separate from cooked or ready-to-eat foods to avoid contamination. Do not use the same chopping board or the same knife for raw meat and other foods. Do not handle both raw and cooked foods without washing your hands in between and do not place cooked meat back on the same plate or surface it was on before cooking.

  • Do not use raw or soft-boiled eggs in food preparations that will not be heat treated or cooked. After handling raw meat, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Wash and disinfect all surfaces and utensils that have been in contact with raw meat.

What are the real risk factors?

For avian influenza viruses, the primary risk factor for human infection appears to be direct or indirect exposure to infected live or dead poultry or contaminated environments, such as live bird markets. Slaughtering, defeathering, handling carcasses of infected poultry, and preparing poultry for consumption, especially in household settings, are also likely to be risk factors.

But there is no evidence to suggest that the A(H7N9) can be transmitted to humans through properly prepared and fully-cooked poultry or eggs. 

So, cook your chicken with our tips and eat them with your favor!



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