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学通社 微信号:xts1985

议题讨论委员会:联合国安理会(United Nations Security Council)(SC)


Recently, the nuclear weapon experiment that took place in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has attracted worldwide attention concerning global safety. Therefore, the United Nations Security Council hold a conference in (location) on (date) regarding the North Korea nuclear crisis. Let us dive into the committee room to see the how the delegates debated on this issue. 

Session 1

As soon as the conference begun, almost all the countries stated their strong opposition on the development of the nuclear weapon in North Korea. Active speakers within the Council analyzed the nuclear issue from different perspectives. Neighboring countries including China, North Korea, as well as Russia stated that North Korea’s nuclear experiment may cause serious damages to other countries. During the debate, North Korea promised that they would only apply the nuclear power in the country’s energy field. However, countries like Spain, China, and the United Kingdom argued that North Korea could not the future usage of the nuclear power. Therefore the nuclear experiment still poses a threat to world peace. Several countries’ delegates brought up the Six-Parties-Talk but the North Korea’s delegate rejected to talk about it. In order to solve this issue, delegates from Russia, Japan, and Spain came up with the solution of offering financial aid and technology assistance to North Korea. As a trade-off, UN will get the right of supervision on the nuclear project, which is currently undergoing in North Korea. The debate did not reach a settlement at the end of the first session. 

At the end of the first session, the former ambassador, Yuxi Sun showed up and surprised us. During the precious time he spent with us, he shared his opinion on the North Korea’s nuclear issue with us. Mr. Sun is a very experienced ambassador who has been to 138 countries and worked in nine different countries. He has organized a great variety of diplomatic events, including a concert for the Pope in Italy in 2008. He spoke highly of the delegates for their deep understanding about the topic and the delegates’ professionalism. He also mentioned that unlike what most people had in mind, some delegates are pretty relaxed in real life UN conferences. Delegates from the five permanent countries usually start the sessions with a joke and the conference atmosphere is more relaxing. He stated that the reason North Korea refuses to have the Six-Parties-Talk is the key solution to this issue. The conference is not one-sided and it is not fair for North Korea. In real life, China, Russia and North Korea are usually on one side and the other three countries are on the opposite side. The suggestion given by the ambassador helped the delegates make significant progress in the second session.

Session 2

The second Session started as delegates actively expressed their opinions based on the results of the first session that was hold in the morning. The committee room became heated and the debate became more intense. Most delegates reached to an agreement to continue the Six-Parties-Talk, so most of the conference time was devoted to negotiation and the delegates tried hard to reach an agreement during the talk. In a moderated caucus motioned by the delegates from South Korea on the topic of the continuation of the Six-Parties-Talk, the delegates from Malaysia suggested, “the technology of the nuclear weapon in North Korea needs to be supervised in order to restart the Six-Parties-Talk.” Furthermore, the delegate offered three principles to continue the Six-Parties-Talk. The three principles are “the usage of the nuclear weapon should be restricted”, “all countries should ensure that the nuclear weapon would not harm world peace” and at last, “negotiation is among the most effective ways to solve the issue” On the topic of the relocation of the sanctions towards North Korea, several countries expressed their desire for sanction reduction. The delegates from Japan suggested to start with the military exercise, and the delegates from Spain pointed out the importance of security implementation.


As the delegates became more familiar with other countries’ positions, their discussion on the issue became deeper and the debate went smoother. The highlight of the session was the crisis of the 6th nuclear experiment and the actual Six-Parties-Talks:

During the second session, one crisis appeared. North Korea announced its sixth nuclear test, which is also the biggest in its history. All the other countries accused North Korea for its lack of responsibility and believed that it is the sign for war. However, the Chair said that the crisis happened a little while before the Six-Parties-Talk, making it a huge relief for both North Korea and the other countries.

After an hour of heated debate during the Six-Parties-Talks, the delegates from South Korea, North Korea, China, United States and Russia eventually reached an agreement: North Kroea will be given three months to shut down its nuclear weapon facilities but it reserves the right to possess the weapons they have already produced and the technology to make the weapon. The sanctions on North Korea will be released step by step; a team from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will be sent to North Korea to check if the promises were kept, if the promises are kept, then the sanctions on trading, credit and inspections cargos will be cancelled in steps, along with the conditions of random inspections in 24 months.

It was a wonderful experience to observe the delegates employ their knowledge and bring out new perspectives and specific solutions to an issue that has been existing for several years. Let us wish they could reach further agreements in the upcoming session.

学通社记者 孟佳文 杨馥宁丨报道

学通社摄影记者 王硕 张笑辰丨摄影报道


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