
不同的佛法下手处 | Different Starting Points for Learning Buddhism

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The vows we took, the resolve we established for ourselves, and the standards to which we hold ourselves will gradually lead us to the appropriate Dharma, Buddhas, or the Bodhisattvas with which we will develop a connection. Whether the connection will form and the degree to which it will form is determined by the Dharma, and it cannot be judged by formalities. From the perspective of formalities, everyone is undoubtedly a student of the Three Jewels or a Buddhist. Despite this appearance, we all differ in the degrees of strength of the connection with the Dharma and in the starting points of that connection. This is a key point. We must find our own starting points in which we feel a connection with the Dharma so that we can build conviction to embark on the path.

当然从另外一个角度来讲,我们找不到路,我们对很多佛菩萨、很多的经典、很多善知识生不起信心,或者说轻毁、诽谤、不信等,这些都是我们自己的业障造成的。因为我们有业障,所以我们对佛菩萨的信心就生不起来,或者说对其他的法门生不起信心来。这两个就是不同的意思:一个意思就是说我们要找到自己的立足点和下手处;还有一个,我们对自己还没有学习的这些佛法,还不知道的、不了解的这些佛菩萨、祖师大德,我们是一个什么心情,是一个什么心态,是一个什么态度,这很重要。如果我们生不起信心,至少说明,我们学得还不够,我们学得还不好。我们学够了,我们学好了,我们就通达了。 法法都是相同的,法法都是相通的,法法都是无碍的,佛佛道同,是肯定的,都能够通的。

Let’s look at it from a different angle: if we cannot find the path or have difficulties building conviction in any Buddha, Bodhisattva, sutra or teacher, or if we even slander or defame the Dharma due to the lack of conviction, it is because these phenomena have been engendered by our bad karmic forces. Because of such karma, we fail to build conviction, or alternatively speaking, we fail to develop confidence in any Dharma doors. Please note that there are two subtle implications here: first, we must find the starting point of the connection, and second, we need to examine what kind of attitude we hold towards those Buddhas, Bodhisattvas or sages from whom we are yet to learn. This is an important point – the fact that we do not have conviction illustrates that we have not learned sufficiently or efficiently. Otherwise, we should have no issues with understanding the underlying meanings of the different Dharma doors, all of which lead us to the same path and destination.


Source:Understanding Life, by Ven. Master Xuecheng


Translated by: Beijing Longquan Monastery Translation Center

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