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Did you ever, look up to the twinkling stars;
Did you ever, dream to spacewalk among planets;
May outer-space is far away from you...
但W BEIJING 星空下午茶,就在你的身边!
But Cosmic W T Time is just around the corner!

2016年6月29日,北京长安街W酒店与 DIESEL LIVING WITH SELETTI 跨界合作,启动备受期待的 W BEIJING 设计系列之星空下午茶。

7月1日至9月30日,W BEIJING 设计系列之星空下午茶进驻潮厅,享受美食的同时,更为你带来赏心悦目的感官体验。

In collaboration with DIESEL LIVING WITH SELETTI, this season shine bright like a star at W Lounge! Discover our cosmic inspired creations daily with W T Time from July 1st  to September 30th.



Your idols Geng Le and Wang Yaoqing have already enjoyed the Cosmic W T Time!

Now it's your turn!

浩瀚的太空背景及栩栩如生的 DIESEL LIVING WITH SELETTI 星空主题餐具,仿佛将你置身于宇宙中。快点邀约三五好友或家人品鉴独特的星空下午茶,一起开启一场遨游太空的美食之旅!

Strike a pose with friends, space walk into new adventures and have a glamourous afternoon with friends like never before.


Subscribe and repost this message, and send us the  print screen to our official WeChat platform. We will select one lucky winner to get a Voucher for 2 people for our Cosmic W T Time!

W T TIME X DIESEL LIVING WITH SELETTI下午茶每位人民币198元,特别推广价每两位人民币258元以上价格需加收10%服务费,以上价格及服务费需加收6%增值税。

W T TIME X DIESEL LIVING WITH SELETTI  at CNY 198 per person; Special rate at CNY 258 for two people.

The above prices are subject to 10% service charge, the above prices and service charges are subject to 6% VAT

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