
今晚!9月8日,Boris德国Ostgut Ton老牌制作人Berghain 驻场!

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Say Yes呈献Boris【Ostgut Ton / Berghain 驻场/ 柏林】

DJ: Boris, Zhiqi & 嘉宾

德国Ostgut Ton老牌重量级制作人/ DJ Boris,作为柏林著名传奇俱乐部,宇宙中心夜店Berghain长达11年的元老级驻场, 掌控舞池的丰富资历从来没有让舞池里的人失望过。他偏好马拉松式表演,3小时起步,3台CDJ串联轰炸舞池,在强烈的重复重击之间加入意想不到的各种惊喜元素, 充满个人魅力的他担当着柏林夜生活不可或缺的重要角色。

Boris作为老牌资深电子音乐人,他的音乐旅程要追溯到80年代初, House和Techno还未形成大气候的西柏林。80年代中期,他在纽约闯荡了4年, 在地标club Paradise Garage的经验及Larry Levan的栽培下,Boris将横跨Disco, Hi-NRG, Post-Punk ,(Kraut-) Rock及House,Techno等多元风格完美的熔合,并坚持着对其音乐的真诚。

试听:Boris - Lock [Ostgut Ton]

正如Boris所说,“ Levan对音乐本身的信念及宣扬也正是我所坚持的。” 90年代Techno盛期他回到了柏林。之后便成为Panorama Bar最初的驻场DJ之一, 其出众的音乐获得了广泛的好评。


在原Ostgut Ton/Panorama Bar关闭后, 他的身影遍布几乎柏林所有的club,直到Berghain在04年开业后Boris成为了其标志性DJ之一。同时他亦是Careless厂牌的主力之一。作为一个DJ, 他不过于沉迷和拘泥于某一种音乐类型,而是让整个set充满不同元素的叠加和融合,丰富厚实,与众不同。

Thursday, Sep. 8

Say Yes Presents Boris  [Ostgut Ton / Berghain Resident/ Berlin ]

DJs:Boris, Zhiqi & guests 

Boris, German techno specialist at the controls today, a 20+-year veteran from Ostgut Ton, resident at the legendary Berghain& Panorama Bar in Berlin for over 11years. He is kind of a charismatic, multifunctional weapon in the Berlin club life. He's been known to rinse out post-punk and krautrock to switch things up. Say Yes is bringing him to Beijing for the very first time. 

Few artists have seen club culture evolve the way Boris has. His musical roots reach back to the 80s. He got his start dancing to Hi-NRG in early '80s West Berlin, more than a decade before house and techno transformed the city's nightlife. 

In the '80s he lived in New York and got his house and disco education at The Paradise Garage and David Mancuso's Loft.When he lived there for 4 years where he absorbed the unique spirit of the seminal club Paradise Garage weekend after weekend. From the Club’s mentor Larry Levan Boris learned to believe in his musical intuition as well as a broad musical spectrum, which nowadays ranges from Disco, Hi-NRG, Post-Punk and (Kraut-) Rock to House and Techno, all of which Boris loves to throw into one set. 

试听:Boris - Rem (Original mix) [Ostgut Ton]

"Music was most important for Levan. He was uncompromising and he knew how to convey it. That’s what I’m trying to achieve, too, when I’m djing."

Boris returned to Berlin in the early '90s, just as the city's techno scene was exploding. A few years later, he became a resident at Panorama Bar’s first incarnation in Berlin, where he was able to build a loyal following by playing long sets lasting until noon. 

"The crowd is always a lot more receptive for music at the end than at the beginning. That’s when I rather have the opportunity to present unusual stuff and that’s when I’m able to let my feelings run freely." 

试听:Boris in TweakFM (Ostgut Ton)

After the old OstGut/Panorama Bar closed, Boris played in almost every club in Berlin, but when the follow up club Berghain opened its doors in 2004, he quickly focused on playing out here again. From 2005 till 2010 he had another musical platform, as he was taking care of the label Careless Records as an A&R. As a DJ, he is not exactly keen on refining a certain genre, but rather to push music with a certain twist.

---------DADA BEIJING----------------
以独立文化 / 电子音乐 / DJ派对为特色的前卫小酒吧

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