
Diary of worm

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Diary of worm  

March 20  Mom says there are three things.I should always remember: 1、the earth gives us everything we need . 2、when we dig tunnels , we help take care of the earth. Must make tunnel-help earth breathe. 3、never bother Daddy when he’s eating the newspaper.


3月20日 妈妈说有三件事我要牢记: 1、 地球赐给我们所需要的一切!2、 当我们挖洞穴的时候, 我们要照顾好地球,帮助她做好呼吸孔。 3、 当爸爸啃食报纸的时候,不要厌烦。

March 29  Today , I tried to teach spider how to dig.First , all of his legs got stuck.I think I twisted one of my ankles.Then he swallowed a bunch of dirt.I give up.Tomorrow he’s going to teach me how to walk upside down.

3月29日 今天,我试着教蜘蛛挖洞。 首先,他所有的腿都被粘住了。 我想弯曲我的一个踝关节。 然后,他吞咽了一团垃圾。 哎,我放弃了。 明天他要教我在网上自由行走。

March 30 Worms cannot walk upside down. Here’s a baby pictures of me and dad.

3月30日 蚯蚓无法在蜘蛛网上行走。 这是一张我和爸爸的照片。

April 4 Fishing season started today. Did you guys hear something? We all dug deeper.

4月4日 今天又到了钓鱼的季节~ 你听说过什么事吗? 我们全体都向深处挖进。

April 10 It rained all night , and the ground was soaked. We spent the entire day one the side walk. Hopscotch is a very dangerous game. My first tunnel. First day of school.  

4月10日 整夜都在下雨,土地被浸透了。 我们整天都在一面行走。 跳房子对我们来说,是非常危险的游戏。 我的第一个洞穴。 第一天上学。

April 15 I forgot my lunch today. I got so hungry that I ate my homework. My teacher made me write , “I will not eat my homework.” Ten times. When I was finished , I ate that too.  

4月15日 今天我忘记吃晚餐了, 我实在太饿了,所以吃了自己的作业。 老师让我写“我不会再吃作业了。” 十遍呢!当我写完之后,又它们把吃了。

April 20 I snuck up on some kids in the park today. They didn’t hear me coming. I wriggled up right between them and they screamed. I love when they do that. Bee stung me.My favorite pile of dirt .  

4月20日 今天我在公园里偷偷靠近了一群孩子。 他们没有注意到我的来临。 我正好蠕动到他们中间,吓得他们尖叫起来。 呵呵,我喜欢自己做的事情。 蜜蜂刺痛了我。 我最喜欢推垃圾。

May 1 Grandpa taught us that good manners are very important. So today I said: ” good morning .” to the first ant I saw. good morning .   Good morning . good morning . good morning . How ya doing? good morning . Nice to see you. Howdy. Good morning . How’s it going? Fine day. Lookin’ good. Hello there. good morning . There were 600more of them in line. I stood there all day.

5月1日  爷爷教我好的礼仪非常重要。  所以今天我见到第一个蚂蚁的时候,礼貌地向他问好:“早晨好!”早晨好! 早晨好!早晨好!早晨好!  你好吗?早晨好! 很高兴认识你!你好吗?早晨好! 你怎么样?今天天气真不错! 你看起来好极了。嗨!早晨好! 这一队有600多个蚂蚁。 我一天都站在那儿。。。

May 8 Had the worst nightmare last night. Giant birds playing hopscotch. Mom says I have to stop eating so much garbage. Right before I go to bed. Me and spider. Spider made this for me .

5月8日 昨天晚上,我做了可怕的恶梦! 巨鸟在玩儿跳房子! 妈妈说我必须在上床睡觉前停止吃美食。在我睡觉之前,蜘蛛和我在一起,蜘蛛做了这些给我。

May 15 I got into a fight with spider today. He told me you need legs to be cool. Then he ran. I couldn’t keep up.  Maybe he’s right.  

5月15日 今天我跟蜘蛛打架了。 他告诉我,你须要让腿凉下来。 然后他就跑了。 但是我坚持不住。 也许他是对的。

May 16 I made spider laugh so hard, he fell out of his tree . Who needs legs? My own comic!

5月16日 让蜘蛛笑真是太难了,他从树上掉了下去。 谁要腿? 这是我自己的笑话。

May 28 Last night I went to the school dance. You put your head in. You put your head out. You do the hokey-pokey and you turn yourself about. That’s all we could do. I found this really cool rock. Isn’t this leaf awesome?!

5月28日 昨晚我参加了学校舞会。
你把头伸进去,我把头拿出来。 ,再转个圈。 这就是我所能做的。 我发现这才是真正的摇滚。 难道这不是叶子的极棒之处?

June 5 Today, we made macaroni necklaces in art class. I brought mine home , and we ate it for dinner. Mmmm , you’re very talented. My sister’s slumber party.

6月5日 今天在美术课上我们用通心粉做了项链。 我把自己的带回家,却把它当晚餐吃了。 嗯~~你太有才了。 我姐姐的安眠晚会。

June 15 My older sister thinks she’s so pretty. I told her that no matter how much time she spends looking in the mirror, Her face will always look just like her rear end. Spider thought that was really funny. Mom did not.

6月15日 我的大姐姐认为自己很漂亮。 我告诉她,无论她花多少时间照镜子。 她的脸都和尾部长得差不多。 蜘蛛觉得我的话很有趣儿。 妈妈却不觉得。

July 4 When I grow up, I want to be a secret service agent. Spider says I will have to be very careful, Because the president might step on me by mistake. “It’s a dangerous job,” I told him . “But someone’s got to do it .” My report card.

7月4日  我长大后,想作个政府官员 蜘蛛说我必须要小心点。 因为长官们会不小心踩到我。 “这真是危险”,我告诉他,但是总要有人来做啊。

July 28 Three things I don’t like about being a worm: 1. I can’t chew gum. 2. I can’t have a dog. Can we keep him , Mom? 3. All that homework.

7月28日 我不喜欢作蚯蚓,有三个原因: 1. 我不能嚼口香糖。 2. 我不能有个宠物狗。 妈妈,我们能养个宠物狗吗? 3.还有要托这么多作业。

July 29 Three good things about being a worm: 1.I never have to go to the dentist. No cavitiesno teeth either. 2. I never get in trouble for tracking mud through the house. 3. I never have to take a bath . Who’s my grubby little boy?

7月29日 作为一个蚯蚓有三点好处: 1. 我不用看牙医,有没有牙齿也没有牙洞。 2. 当我穿过房屋时,不会留下泥浆的痕迹。 3. 我永远也不用洗澡。 谁是肮脏的小孩儿?

August 1 It’s not always easy being a worm. We’re very small, And sometimes people forget that we’re even here. But, like Mom always says , the earth never forgets we’re here. I get the feeling I’m being watched…

8月1日 作一个蚯蚓是很简单的, 我们长得很小, 甚至有人会忘记我们的存在。 但是正如妈妈所说的,地球、土地不会忘记我们的。 我觉得,我要见到。。。。

Reading Makes the Native



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