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Mock Round Info Slide
Affirmative action is a government or private program designed  to redress ongoing or historic injustices against specific groups by favoring members of these groups with increased access to educational, political and economic opportunities.

Mock Round
This house believes that affirmative actions are counter-productive for achieving equality.

Round I
This house would remove copyright restrictions for academic publishing.

Academic publishing
Paper/e-print academic books, manuscripts, and journals etc.

Round II Info Slide
Institutional investors are entities which pool money to purchase securities and other investment assets. They include banks, insurance companies, pensions, hedge funds, investment advisors, endowments, and mutual funds.

Round II 
This house would prohibit individual investors from directly trading high-risk financial products(stocks, futures, and options etc.) and only allow institutional investors to do so.

Round III Info Slide
The right to be forgotten is the right to silence on past events in life that are no longer occurring. Recognition of the right to be forgotten would also require “data controllers”(i.e. Media, government, internet search companies etc.) to, upon request, remove data of one’s specific actions performed in the past, if one could prove that such actions would result in one being perpetually or periodically stigmatized.

Round III
This house would recognize the right to be forgotten.

Round IV
Assuming that time travelling is possible, this house, as a Jew, would go back in time and kill baby Hitler.

Round V
This house believes that unsuccessful attempts of crimes should be punished the same as successful crimes.
(e.g. Attempted murder would receive the same punishment murder)

Round VI Info Slide
Big-game hunting is the hunting of large game, almost always large terrestrial mammals, for meat, other animal by-products(such as horn or bone), trophy or sport. The term is historically associated with the hunting of Africa’s “big five” game(lion, African elephant, Cape buffalo, leopard and rhinoceros).

Round VI
This house would legalize big-game hunting in Africa.

Round VII
This house would abolish marriage and allow individuals to create their own customized relationship contracts enforced by the state.
(these contracts could allow more than two parties, set a time limit or condition for ending the relationship etc.)

Round VIII
You and your spouse are migrant workers who have left your young children in your hometown,this house, as the couple, would choose to stay in the cities alone, rather than returning home to raise your children.


About Us
浙江省英语辩论联合会(Zhejiang English Debate Association, ZJEDA), 成立于2015年4月1号,是国内第一家具有团省委、省学联挂靠单位的英语辩论性质的省级官方组织。 联合会本着“共进、共建、共享”的原则,旨在增进省内各高校英语辩论交流、加强省内各高校英语辩论队伍和社团建设、共享海内外英语辩论资讯,从而服务广大热爱英语辩论的高校学子参与辩论并从中成长。

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