
壳牌奖最佳员工奖:被梦想叫醒的人\/SCCA: Wake up with Passion and Dreams

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还记得2015年年末轰轰烈烈的壳牌奖评选吗?各个奖项最终在年会上花落各家,然而荣誉决不止于彼时。现在我们为大家带来壳牌奖系列报道的第一篇,让大家走近我们获得“最佳员工奖”的两位明星员工,了解他们的生活与工作,倾听他们的故事,看看“主动学习”、“自我成长”和“勇于创新”这三个主席奖关键词是如何在Nancy Zhang和Cliff Zhu 身上闪闪发光的。

745,渝林的早晨比北京更冷,但对于长北人来说,新的一天,早已开始。长北项目操作组生产作业主管 Cliff Zhu,此刻正例行召集所有今天当班的操作员,开始当日的工作安排会议。安全问题要反复强调,操作流程要反复强调,近日工作中暴露出来的问题要反复强调,改进的方法更要反复强调。一线无小事,这一直是Cliff的信条。


此时此刻,北京正是早高峰,国际业务开发部Nancy Zhang的工作地点在北京第一高楼国贸3期里。电梯带着她飞速升到32层,在这里,她需要走过一个有开阔观景台的空中大厅,北京不雾霾的时候,她会习惯性地看一眼东边,离这里不远的东四十条附近,立着中石油和中海油的总部大楼,它们与Nancy每天的工作息息相关。虽然从国贸3期上看过去,并不能立刻分清它们到底在哪里,但这两位合作伙伴的存在感,却能让Nancy瞬间精神起来,一整天的紧张工作,从这一刻,就已开始了。



“我是壳牌的毕业生员工,也就是大家所说的G-staff,四年前加入公司的时候,第一个岗位在合同与采购部门(CP),我当时怎么也不会想到现在做的是国际业务开发(IBD)的工作。”岗位的转换背后是大量的业务知识和实务的积累,NancyCP一年半之后,轮岗到一体化天然气(Integrated Gas) 团队做中国天然气市场的战略分析。2014年创建IBD团队的时候,她从众多申请者中脱颖而出,成功的成为了这支直接听命于壳牌张新胜的“超能陆战队”中的一员。“回想起来,我确实一路都在学习,从每一天的工作中学,也向身边的楷模学习,而现在,我之前每一个岗位上积累下来的东西,恰好都派上了用场。”







“我一直都记得自己刚到壳牌的时候非常非常地Shy(害羞), 当时我在CP的导师不断的鼓励我,还一步一步的带着我去和供应商谈判,直到我可以干净利落的独当一面。我也还记得刚进IG的时候,天然气开业务部总经理石晓丽女士跟我说,Nancy,你要做的这份工作可能会非常的枯燥,但只有走出这种枯燥,你才能看清楚你所在的这个市场和这个行业。而现在,无论我是在外部会议上与潜在合作伙伴沟通,还是在办公桌前从抓数据、写报告,我都能感受到当年的那个自己,还有这一路上良师益友们的教导和陪伴。用现在心灵鸡汤的说法,我是真的谢谢那时自己的努力和不放弃,因为有“她”,才有现在的我。”



2013Cliff加入壳牌,进入长北项目组,任生产作业主管(Operation Supervisor)。当时,他面临的一大未曾经历过的挑战,并不是来自工作本身,而是所处的合资环境。在他的团队里,有将近90名来自中石油的操作和维修技术人员,在中石油长期的垂直化管理体系下,这些一线员工执行力强,但有时会缺乏壳牌同事那种强烈的工作责任心与上进心,如何激励团队,如何保障每一位团队成员都能更加尽心尽力的完成工作,这给Cliff的“领导力”提出了新的挑战。

在一线,领导力首先来自于扎实的专业技能和素质。“在壳牌,我们可以通过内网或者Shell Open University平台找到自己所需要的各种学习资源,也不断的有学习项目来推着自己前进。”以上游业务在全球范围内正在重点推进的FLBM(frontline barrier management)课程为例,Cliff是中国第一也是目前唯一一个完成FLBM而获得FLBM英雄的奖励的壳牌员工。而几乎同时,他还加入了LoT (Leader of Team)的培训项目。这一门课程的许多方法论和概念,正好能够在应用在一线环境中,帮助Cliff更好的带领团队创造业务佳绩。


除了主动、有效的自我学习、自我提升,壳牌奖还鼓励员工们的创新精神。在长北项目团队获得2014年上游UI Impact大奖的LEAN项目中,整个团队借助Mobile Test Separator MTS这一现场可得的设备,通过优化操作流程,改变携液井内水压,先疏导水,再产气,最终实现携液井的提产。就这一项简单的流程创新,当年就为长北天然气增产12%






Employee of the Year: Wake Up with Passion and Dreams

At 07:45 am, Cliff Zhu starts his new day with a daily meeting attended by frontline workers in his team at Changbei Project. A born optimistic and blissful man as he is, Cliff remains extremely serious, or even solemnly in such sessions. Safety reminders, operation head-ups, as well as issues revealed in last shift have all been reiterated again, to fuel the whole crew for a bright new day’s hard work.

At the same time, thousand miles away from Changbei, Nancy Zhang in International Business Development team is on her way to office, whose building is located in CBD of the busy Beijing City as the landmark. There is a sky-corridor with large French windows on the 32f of the building where Shell office lies. When passing-by, Nancy would unconsciously glimpse to the east, and somewhere adjacent there lies the equivalent skyscraper as headquarter of CNPC and CNOOC, two of the most important national oil companies in China. That’s the very moment awaken Nancy. These two key partners have everything to do with her daily job and the feeling of their existence energize Nancy’s new day.

Every Tiny Step counts

“I joined Shell in Contract and Procurement team as a G-staff. After 18 months, I successfully transferred to Integrated Gas department to analyze China LNG Market. All along the journey, I have never thought that I would end up here in IBD now.” In 2014, Nancy made herself standing out from many other candidates and succeeded in winning her position in the newly founded IBD team, an elite small group directly reported Mr. Zhang Xinsheng, Shell China Chairman. “I was trying everything I can to learn more in each of my role, and if looking back, I did feel that all those I have absorbed  in my previous positions, can be put into real practice today.”

Ready to Shine

IBD is a crucial team in Shell China, designed to help Shell make good Chinese friends and eventually bring such benign cooperation abroad to flourish the real strategic partnership. Core competences required in such a demanding team can be found in job descriptions of a invest banker, or senior energy consultant or business negotiation master. And lucky as Nancy is, she found her place in such a highly competitive team.

Nancy with IBD team

Proactive learning fuels fast growth. Nancy made her difference in this arena. She expanded the partnership-search radar from top tier NOC to equally competitive 2nd tier candidates. Meanwhile, consolidated and tailor-made partnership manuals are developed to CNPC and CNOOC respectively so that Shell leaders can best prioritize their efforts when engaging their counterparts. Future opportunities start to loom over from the horizon.

The past shapes the future

 “I was very shy when I first came to CP, and my coach gave me every support I need and enormous encouragements. He guided me in negotiations with vendors till I could finally handle it on my own. And I could also remember when I first GTKU with Xiaoli, GM IG, she pointed out sharply to me that” Nancy, I’m offering a really “boring” job to you but if you could live up with such boredoms, you can see the whole industry.” Nancy retrospected,”and now, when I’m dress up for an external conference, or bury myself behind the desk to write the reports, I could still see that Nancy and all those great mentors that have guided and inspired her. I’m really grateful to those kind people who have helped me all the way to now, and also, I should say thank you to that little Nancy in the past. It’s her perseverance in learning and self-growth that turns to a brand new me now.”

Challenges are where growth starts

Cliff joined Shell Changbei Team as Operation Supervisor in 2013. The biggest challenge for him at that time didn’t come from the job itself, but from the complicated joint venture working environment on the frontline. There were around 90 frontline workers from CNPC in Cliff’s team, who have been very familiar  with the high-pressured top-down authority NOC management style, instead of the Shell-Way. Cliff needed to “tailor-made” his management skills to better inspire the team to achieve excellence.

On the front line, leadership andtrust first come from the solid professional skills. Cliff never stopped his self-driven improvement, with the help of the comprehensive Shell learning system. In the Frontline Barrier Management (FLBM) training, he is the first and the only Chinese who have fully completed the course and thus awarded as the FLBM Hero. Meanwhile, he joined the Leader of Team program, where he found insightful concepts and methodologies he could apply in his daily job to fuel the delivery of his team.

Innovation comes after hard work and resilience

Innovation is another encouraged behavior under Employee of the Year theme in Shell China Chairman’s award. Project LEAN in Changbei team, leading to the UI Impact Award in 2014, was an example of how the team cooperated to bring out innovative approach to solve the liquid-carrier-wells issue and increase the production. By applying the upgraded operation procedure and with the help of the accessible little gadget called Mobile Test Separator (MTS), the gas production increased 12% in 2014. 

If looking closer, the risks associated with innovation could be found before the harvest. In Project LEAN, many staff and teams need to adapt their way of working, contribute their extra time and energy for re-adjustments in operation procedure, or even re-alignments in KPIs. Also, there is always the shadow of failure. However, Cliff, and the Changbei Team chose to face the challenge with the brevity, to test great ideas and to support each other and work together for the ultimate goal. “In this sense,” Cliff said in a very charming eastern modest way, “SCCA recognized the innovation DNA in Changbei Project team through this Employee of the Year award.”

Wake up with passion and dreams...ever day

The year 2015 witnesses the first launch of Shell China Chairman’s Award. Nancy and Cliff shared the glory of Employee of the Year, regardless of very different daily work they were faced with every day. It’s the same self-driving growth, the consistent pursuit to learning and the inspiring spirit of innovation that can be found in both of them that lead to the award, and more importantly, the harvest at the end of the day.

Congratulations to Nancy and Cliff. And all those in Shell China who wake up every day with passion and dreams.

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