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杂志总编辑由Frank Fine先生担任。Frank Fine先生是中国国际反垄断和投资研究中心的执行主任,同时也是国内领先的律师所德恒律师事务所国际反垄断业务部门的负责人。他表示:


律商联讯产品组合部主管Ray Camiscioli先生评论道:

“杂志为我们不断增加、反响巨大的反垄断领域产品线上贡献了新的内容产品。我们很自豪地向大家介绍关于中国反垄断法的第一份杂志。我们的客户已经告知我们,他们非常期待这份新的出版物。因此我们有信心,其必将获得市场的好评。我们也知道,杂志有着优秀的执行团队。Frank Fine先生自2003以来就一直与我们合作,他也是我们出版的《欧洲竞争法》的总编。”
中国政法大学教授CIIAI主任祁欢教授将大力支持Frank Fine先生。祁教授将担任杂志的执行总监。北京安杰律师事务所资深合伙人顾正平律师将出任主编。顾正平表示:
感兴趣的作者请尽快通过邮箱联系Frank Fine先生: frank.fine@skynet.be



The China Institute of International Antitrust and Investment (CIIAI) in Beijing is excited to announce the launch of its new publication, the China Antitrust Law Journal (or CHALJ), in collaboration with LexisNexis. The Journal will cover PRC and Hong Kong antitrust issues, as well as non-Chinese antitrust developments of concern to a global audience.  The first issue of CHALJ will be published in the Spring of 2017, and will be available in both paper and electronic formats.
The CHALJ will be the first journal of its kind on the market. It should be of great interest to antitrust regulators, in-house counsel, private practitioners and academics who are seeking more in-depth analysis of antitrust issues in China. 
The Editor-in-Chief of CHALJ will be Frank Fine, who is also the Executive Director of the CIIAI and Head of International Antitrust at DeHeng Law Offices, a leading PRC-based law firm. He notes:
“I’ve been involved in the Chinese antitrust community for the last four years.  I’ve gotten to know a lot of the players, both in and out of government, and we are hopeful that they will be active contributors.  We want this journal to be cutting-edge and we will be looking for a high intellectual standard.”

Ray Camiscioli, head of Product Portfolio at LexisNexis comments:

“CHALJ adds to our impressive and ever-growing list of titles in the antitrust field.  We are proud to be introducing the first journal on China antitrust law.  Our clients have already informed us that they welcome this new publication, so we are confident that it will be well-received by the market.  We also know that the Journal is in good hands.  Frank Fine has been working with us since 2003 and is the General Editor of our treatise, European Competition Laws.”
Mr. Fine will be supported by Prof. Qi Huan of the China University of Political Science and Law, who is also Managing Director of CIIAI. Prof. Qi will be the Executive Director of the Journal.  Mr. Michael Gu, senior partner of Anjie Law Firm in Beijing, will be the Managing Editor.  Mr. Gu notes:
“As a competition law pioneer in China, I have witnessed the establishment and remarkable developments of the Anti-monopoly Law regime in China. Chinese antimonopoly law enforcement agencies are playing important roles in the global antitrust battles as well as domestic antitrust enforcement. I am honoured to have the opportunity to contribute to this exciting publication project. I believe the first hand experiences and analytical insight of the authors from Chinese competition agencies, practitioners and scholars would enhance the antitrust practice in China and also have wider influence to other jurisdictions’ law enforcement and legislation development.”
Interested authors should contact Mr. Fine in the first instance, at frank.fine@skynet.be
The CIIAI is part of the China University of Political Science and Law, which is based in Beijing. The CIIAI’s objectives are to promote transparency and fairness in proceedings as well as policy convergence. Its activities include the organization and management of workshops for regulators/judges and high-level professional seminars. The CIIAI is 100% privately-funded.
For more information, please contact:
Frank Fine
Executive Director, CIIAI
Tel:  32-2-735-0880
Email: frank.fine@skynet.be 


AnJie Law Firm 



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