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上周四,非政府组织Décalage访问我使馆并出席了午宴。当天晴空万里,Serge de Patou先生作为第一届沃吕韦-圣彼得县议员也出席了活动,沃吕韦-圣彼得县正是Décalage的所在地,大家进行了广泛的交流。沃吕韦-圣彼得县已与北京市朝阳区缔结友好关系,借此良机比利时驻华大使马怀宇和Serge de Patou先生共同探讨、解释了人文外交的重要性,而此次Décalage的访问正完美印证了这一点。



Last Thursday the non-profit organization Décalage delighted the embassy with a visit. This truly was a moment marked by a turquoise blue sky, the joyful  presence of Mr. Serge de Patou, first municipal councilor of the municipality of Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, home of the non-profit organization, and  very longstanding exchanges. The twinning between the municipality of Woluwe-Saint-Pierre and the district of Chaoyang was a perfect occasion for ambassador Malherbe and the first municipal councilor de Patou to illustrate the importance of people-to-people diplomacy and the visit of Décalage serves as an excellent example.

Décalage is an association promoting the integration of physically handicapped persons by organizing free time activities and trips abroad. For more info, please check their webpage:     

This year, the choice of destination fell on China. The participants visited the historical wonders of Beijing and ascended the Great Wall before heading to Pingyao, Datong and Xi’an to pay a visit to the legendary Terracotta ArmyIt is beautiful initiative and without any doubt an unforgettable trip.

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