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People wearing red and blue raincoats stand to create a pair of human lungs on Sunday in Beijing. They hope to draw people’s attention to the environmental protection. About 1,500 people came and stood in heavy smog. But some Chinese social media said the organizers didn’t care about the people’s health at such a bad day. The group of university students and other people stayed together at the Beijing Garden Expo(北京园林博览会) to experience a "heavily polluted" day, the Beijing Youth Daily reported. An organizer whose first name is Chen, said the date was decided a month earlier and the heavy smog was a sudden.

A spokesman for Guinness(吉尼斯世界纪录) announced the new record at around 3:10 pm, breaking the record for "largest human image of an organ(最大的人体器官图)" set by 982 people in Gurgaon, Haryana, India, on February 22.

But some of the people who were in the “human lung” were thinking more about their own lungs. "Standing outside for hours on such a polluted day isn’t good for the lungs," said Lin. Another said they were not allowed to wear masks. Some people questioned the result and aim of the activity. "I don’t know if getting a Guinness record has any real meaning," a passer-by said. 


1. People in Beijing stand to make______.

A    a heart

B    a liver

C    a big nose

D    a pair of lungs

2. People in the “human lungs” hope to______.

A    make money

B    protect the environment

C    create art

D    break Guinness record

4. The underlined word “questioned” means______in Chinese.

A    问题

B    提问

C    质疑

D    审问

4. What did Darren Wheatcroft think of the two men’s action?

A    It should be avoided.

B    It should be praised.

C    It should be criticized.

D    It should be changed.

5. What’s the right order? ①Organizers decided to make a pair of human lungs. ②A spokesman for Guinness announced the new record. ③Students and people came to the Beijing Garden Expo. ④Indian people made the “Largest human image of an organ”.

A    ③①②④

B    ①④②③

C    ①②③④

D    ④①③②


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