
投票时间!Voting Time!

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Agua 的小伙伴儿们!英文杂志 Beijinger 的2016年度读者最爱餐厅大奖火热进行中,Agua西班牙餐厅荣获两项提名,参选2016年度最佳西班牙餐厅和最浪漫餐厅!热爱美食的你们,说出你的态度,来为Agua 投一票吧!长按下方二维码,选择“识别图中二维码”可立即进入投票环节。请注意,你无需为所有参选类别投票,简单填写个人信息之后,在接下来的投票页面中可以直接下拉到手机页面最底端,按键进入下个页面,只需关注你喜欢的类别或只给 Agua 投票!手机端每页的顶部都会归纳显示本页的所有参选类别。提名1是第Q38个,请翻页寻找顶部是“Best Special Dinning Occasions”的页面,然后下拉到Q38“Best for a Romantic Meal”,点选Agua 即可;提名2是第Q45个,翻页寻找顶部是“Best Steak, Spanish/Tapas, and North American”的页面, 然后下拉到Q45“Best Spanish/Tapas”,点选Agua 即可。系统顺序随机,两项提名可能先后出现顺序不同。两项提名投票完毕,接下来就可以一口气翻到最后一页啦。轻松完成!Agua 的每一步成长离不开亲爱的你们的支持!谢谢!


Hey all you Agua fans! We have been nominated for Best Spanish Restaurant and Best for a Romantic Meal by the Beijinger magazine’s 2016 Reader Restaurant Awards! Now time to state your attitude and vote for Agua! It’s quick and easy -- Please press on below QR code for more than 2 seconds to recognize it (in Chinese it says“识别图中二维码”) and directly go to the voting process. Please note that you don’t have to vote for every single category, you may skip the page by clicking at the bottom arrow. On top of every page there is a summary of all the categories listed on this page, please search for the page of “Best Special Dinning Occasions”, then scroll down to find Q38 “Best for a Romantic Meal”, choose Agua; secondly, search for the page of“Best Steak, Spanish/Tapas, and North American”,and scroll down to Q45 “Best Spanish/Tapas”, choose Agua. Due to system default Q45 may come first. Done! You’ve finished the voting~ You may go all the way to the last page and finish the whole process. We appreciate all your support, besos!

Agua 西班牙餐厅


预订电话:5208 6188




Agua Spanish Restaurant

4/F Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun North Street

Reservation: 5208 6188


Weibo: @agua西班牙餐厅

WeChat: Agua-Beijing

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