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The Chinese Ambassador in Athens Zhu Xiaolihas characterized as a "huge success" and a "landmark in thehistory of the relations" with Greece, the high-range contacts and thebusiness agreements signed during the official visit of the Greek PrimeMinister Alexis Tsipras, in an interview with the AMNA in Beijing on Monday.


Speaking to the AMNA from Beijing, Mr Zhustressed the necessity of a full and prompt implementation of the agreementsand the hope that the collaboration with the Greek State will establish Piraeusas the most important port in Mediterranean and the whole Europe.


Asked to comment Mr Tsipras visit, theAmbassador Zhu replied that he thinks "the visit of Mr Tsipras was a hugesuccess. I say this because I really mean it. This is a landmark in the historyof our relations, because it coincides with the 10th anniversary of our strategicpartnership, but also marks a new beginning for the next decade of our relations".


"I think the meetings were importantand the agreements signed are important, but I think the most important outcomeof this visit is the signal that we send to each other, that we trust you andwe’ll invite you as strategic partner. I think that unless we have themutual understanding and mutual trust everything will go bad.

“我认为这次会谈会见和双方签署的多项协议意义重大, 其中最重要的成果是双方传递了相互理解和信任、视对方为重要战略伙伴的积极信号。我认为,除非我们有相互理解和相互信任,否则一切都会朝坏的方向发展。"

"As we Chinesesay, if you want to do business with us, first you have to build thefoundations of friendship and personal relations. So I’m, very happy as Chinese ambassador, that we share thin commonphilosophy. This is a personal chemistry between the two business communitiesand I’m extremely happy that I had participatedand witnessed at this hugely successful visit", argued Mr Zhu.



To the question what he expects from now onin terms of the materialization of concrete steps after this visit, Zhu said hewished "the growing up of the follow up of this visit. Because the twosides and leaderships have reached a broad consensus  and many agreements are signed. So we mustimplement them fully, otherwise all these will remain empty words.


So, as our PrimeMinister has pointed out both sides must further the commitment that we aremarching towards a new future. That Chinese investments are coming soon inGreece and we will work together with the Greek side to build the Piraeus Portas the most important one in Mediterranean and also in Europe. And Greece willbe an important supporting point of the one belt and  one road strategy"




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