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塞缪尔•约翰逊 Samuel Johnson

On Idleness

Many moralists have remarked, that Pride has of all human vices the widest dominion, appears in the greatest multiplicity of forms, and lies hid under the greatest variety of disguises; of disguises, which, like the moon's veil of brightness, are both its luster and its shade, and betray it to others, tho' they hide it from ourselves.

It is not my intention to degrade Pride from this preeminence of mischief, yet I know not whether Idleness may not maintain a very doubtful and obstinate competition.

There are some that profess Idleness in its full dignity, who call themselves the Idle, as Busiris in the play calls himself the Proud; who boast that they do nothing, and thank their stars that they have nothing to do; who sleep every night till they can sleep no longer, and rise only that exercise may enable them to sleep again; who prolong the reign of darkness by double curtains, and never see the sun but to tell him how they hate his beams; whose whole labor is to vary the postures of indulgence, and whose day differs from their night but as a couch or chair differs from a bed.


These are the true and open votaries of Idleness, for whom she weaves the garlands of poppies, and into whose cup she pours the waters of oblivion; who exist in a state of unruffled stupidity, forgetting and forgotten; who have long ceased to live, and at whose death the survivors can only say, that they have ceased to breathe.


But Idleness predominates in many lives where it is not suspected; for being a vice which terminates in itself, it may be enjoyed without injury to others; and is therefore not watched like Fraud, which endangers property, or like Pride, which naturally seeks its gratifications in another's inferiority. Idleness is a silent and peaceful quality, that neither raises envy by ostentation, nor hatred by opposition; and therefore no body is busy to censure or detect it.


As Pride sometimes is hid under humility, Idleness is often covered by turbulence and hurry. He that neglects his known duty and real employment, naturally endeavors to crowd his mind with something that may bar out the remembrance of his own folly, and does any thing but what he ought to do with eager diligence, that he may keep himself in his own favor.

Some are always in a state of preparation, occupied in previous measures, forming plans, accumulating materials, and providing for the main affair. These are certainly under the secret power of Idleness. Nothing is to be expected from the workman whose tools are forever to be sought. I was once told by a great master, that no man ever excelled in painting, who was eminently curious about pencils and colors.


There are others to whom Idleness dictates another expedient, by which life may be passed unprofitably away without the tediousness of many vacant hours. The art is, to fill the day with petty business, to have always something in hand which may raise curiosity, but not solicitude, and keep the mind in a state of action, but not of labor.

本文由沈汀和Bob Jones为您朗读,中文版本由王义国翻译。

luster  ['lʌstə]  n.光泽,光彩

preeminence [pri:'emɪnəns] n.超群,卓越

indulgence  [ɪnˈdʌldʒəns]  n.放纵

votary  [ˈvəʊtəri]  n.崇拜者,信徒

poppy  [ˈpɒpi]  n.罂粟(花)

inferiority  [ɪnˌfɪəriˈɒrəti]  n.自卑情绪

ostentation  [ˌɒstenˈteɪʃn]  n. 炫耀

censure  [ˈsenʃə(r)]  v. 非难,指责

remembrance  [rɪˈmembrəns]  n. 记忆,回忆

注释:Busiris 布里西斯,希腊神话中的埃及国王,海神波塞东(Poseidon)和吕西亚那撒(Lyssianassa,传说中的埃及国王厄帕福斯[Epaphus]的女儿)的儿子。











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