
【老布在北京】Jon Geldart - author of 'Notes from a Beijing Coffee...

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Jon Geldart - author of 'Notes from a Beijing Coffee Shop'

Jon Geldart at Xiwan

Historic walls of Pingyao

Jon Geldart, an Executive Director for Grant Thornton International, is a regular visitor to China - usually on business, attending conferences and much more. He and Bruce have a common link through education, both having read geography at prestigious Scottish universities - Jon at St Andrews; Bruce at Strathclyde and Glasgow. They share also a love for travel and mountain climbing. Like many who went on to study geography they were initially inspired by their school teachers.

Historic Zhangbi Village

Intricate style at Qiao Family Courtyard

Pingyao - great to explore at night

Although both in recent years have developed a deep interest in China it was not a country studied widely during their undergraduate days - where it was taught, in only a few universities, the emphasis was mainly on language and history. China was little known and even less understood in the West at that time - a real pity considering the position the country holds in the World today. The educational situation, in the UK for example, has changed considerably in recent years with Chinese studies now available even at elementary school level. The large scale movements of people for business or tourism to and from China have also assisted a growing understanding. Jon has shared some of his experiences of the country through highly readable books such as 'Notes from a Beijing Coffee Shop’.

Qikou - stone passageway

Xingdicun village from Mianshan

Jon and Bruce share a mutual enthusiasm for continuing to discover more about China. Both were on the recent China Daily visit to Shanxi, which proved to be a journey of discovery. In forthcoming features they will talk in depth of the province and of its tourism potential.




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