
高校强制学生打工不合格付费重修\/Student Complain About School Forced Internships

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学生被安排在企业流水打工   图:北青报

Sophomore at Guangxi Economic Vocational College are being required to spend three months working on a factory production line. The school said the period would prepare students with real-world work experience.


A school notice required junior students to work at the internship from September 8, 2016 to January 10, 2017. However, a message from the school’s secretary on August 20 said students could leave the school to look for jobs in September.

 根据学校教务处的通知,2014级学生顶岗实习的时间从9月8日起持续至2017年1月10日。 根据学生提供的班级群截图显示,8月20日,辅导员通知称“9月就可以离校找工作”,而9月1日,教务处则发布了这则顶岗实习通知。

Students said this is the first time the school has had a compulsory internship.


The notice also said “impoverished students” attend the internship arranged by the university no matter how unwilling they are to go.

Students said they didn’t think their 10,000-yuan tuition was intended to have them working in factories.


A number of the assigned internships are also irrelevant, students said. A female student surnamed Zhong said she was assigned to Qingxi Fuyang Electronic Factory in Dongguan, Guangdong province, where she was assigned to test the scanners and clean machines.

有很多学生还提到自己被分到和专业毫不相干的实习岗位。 小钟在学校学的是会计专业,在大二时,她和其他60余名学生来到了位于广东东莞的清溪富阳电子厂打工。当时她主要负责测试扫描仪,以及用酒精擦光机器。

Zhong said she worked 11 hours every day, her hands were peeling, the accommodations were terrible and there were rats all over.


A marketing student surnamed Cheng was sent to an electronics factory to test paper. Cheng said his salary was 1,510 yuan and he was required to pay 300 yuan for food. Cheng said the work conditions led one of his classmates to be hospitalized for a skin disease.


患皮肤病的同学照片   图:北青报

Many students who quit the internship or failed to get the internship certificate were required to pay 540 yuan and retake the course.


Xiao Kaining, headmaster of Guangxi Economic Vocational College, said the school’s internship program was divided into three parts: production lines, professional work within the field and intended job placement.


The stages would help students to be familiar with business from its foundational level, Xiao said.







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