
Lesson 44 Bugs 加州语文 GK 原版全英文网络在线课

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Lesson 44 Bugs 加州语文 GK 


Welcome to yousay kids' English, Freda's original English lesson. What bugs do you know? Ladybugs, bees, butterflies, dragonflies,  moths, ants ,  spiders ..... . There are almost one million species of bugs in the world.


Today, we're going to learn "Bugs".

Words: she, he, we, see 看见, have 有,bug, red, yellow, green, bug.
Learn the sentence pattern, and understand  "She sees...; He sees... . She has ...; He has ...; It is ... ."

She sees a bug.

She sees a butterfly.

She sees a bee.

He sees a bug.

He sees a butterfly.

He sees a bee.

We see a bug.

She has a bug.

He has a bug.

"It is ... " is used to express the colors, such as

It is red./ blue.

She sees a bug.

It is red.

He sees a bug.

It is yellow.

He has a bug.

It is green.

We see a bug.

It is white.

Please try to say" He/ she sees ... .

We see... .

He/She has ... .

It is ...."

He sees a butterfly. It is brown.

She sees a ladybug. It is red.

We see a grasshopper. It is green.

She has a bug. It is white.

He has a bee. It is yellow.

阅读贵在坚持。Thank you for today's lesson. See you next time.


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