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American Heritage

1. American Heritage Book of English Usage

2. American Heritage Dictionary 5e

3. American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms

4. American Heritage English Chinese Dictionary

5. The American Heritage Student Science Dictionary 2e


1. Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary

2. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary 4e

3. Cambridge Business English Dictionary

4. Cambridge Dictionary of Psychology

5. Cambridge English Chinese Dictionary

6. Cambridge English Chinese Dictionary Online

7. Cambridge English Dictionary Online

8. Cambridge English Vocabulary Profile 8e

9. Cambridge Grammar of English

10. Cambridge Idioms Dictionary

11. Cambridge Phrasal Verbs Dictionary

12. Cambridge Vocabulary in Use


1. Chambers Biographical Dictionary

2. Chambers Dictionary 11e

3. Chambers Thesaurus

4. Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary


1. Collins COBUILD Advanced American English Dictionary

2. Collins COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary Online

3. Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Chinese Dictionary

4. Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary & American English

5. Collins COBUILD Audio

6. Collins COBUILD English Grammar

7. Collins COBUILD English Usage

8. Collins COBUILD School Dictionary of American English

9. Collins Dictionary of Quotations

10. Collins English Dictionary & COBUILD & Thesaurus

11. Collins English Word Lists

12. Collins Junior Illustrated Dictionary 2e

English Sound

1. English Sound


1. Kernerman Advanced English Dictionary

Law Dictionary

1. Black's Law Dictionary 2e

2. LexisNexis English Chinese Law Dictionary

3. TransLegal's Law Dictionary

4. 元照英美法词典


1. Longman Active Study Dictionary

2. Longman Business English Dictionary

3. Longman Dictionary of American English 5e

4. Longman Dictionary of Common Errors

5. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 5e Extras

6. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 6e

7. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online

8. Longman Dictionary of English Collocations

9. Longman Idioms Dictionary

10. Longman Language Activator

11. Longman Phrasal Verbs Dictionary 2e

12. Longman Pronunciation Dictionary 3e

13. Longman Study Dictionary of American English

14. Longman Topic Standalone

15. Longman WordWise Dictionary


1. Macmillan English Dictionary

2. Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners 2e

3. Macmillan English Dictionary Online

4. Macmillan English Dictionary US

5. Macmillan Essential Dictionary

6. Macmillan School Dictionary


1. McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs

2. McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms


1. Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary

2. Merriam-Webster's Book of Word Histories

3. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus

4. Merriam-Webster's Dictionary

5. Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of English Usage

6. Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms

7. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary Online

8. Merriam-Webster's Elementary Dictionary

9. Merriam-Webster's Law Dictionary Online

10. Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary

11. Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary Online

12. Merriam-Webster's Thesaurus Online

13. Merriam-Webster's Visual Dictionary

14. Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder

15. Webster's New World College Dictionary 5e

16. Webster's Third New International Dictionary

Online Dictionary

1. COCA Frequency List

2. Dictionary.com Unabridged

3. Frequency of English Test Vocabulary

4. Jump To Dicts

5. Online Etymology Dictionary

6. Picture Dictionary on Free Dictionary

7. Urban Dictionary

8. Vocabulary Mini

9. Vocabulary.com

10. WordNet

11. Youdict

11. 单词释义比例词典

12. 英语单词频率词典

13. 英语短语词组频率词典


1. Oxford American Writer's Thesaurus

2. Concise Oxford American Dictionary

3. Concise Oxford English Dictionary 11e

4. Oxford Advanced American Dictionary

5. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 9e

6. Oxford Advanced Learner's English Chinese Dictionary 8e

7. Oxford Chinese Dictionary

8. Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English 2e

9. Oxford Collocations English Chinese Dictionary

10. Oxford Deformation Dictionary

11. Oxford Dictionaries by Subjects

11.1 Oxford Dictionary of Accounting

11.2 Oxford Dictionary of Biology

11.3 Oxford Dictionary of Computing

11.4 Oxford Dictionary of Diet and Exercise

11.5 Oxford Dictionary of Economics

11.6 Oxford Dictionary of Finance and Banking

11.7 Oxford Dictionary of Medicines

11.8 Oxford Dictionary of Nursing

11.9 Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy

11.10 Oxford Dictionary of Physics

11.11 Oxford Dictionary of Psychology

11.12 Oxford Dictionary of Quotations

11.13 Oxford Dictionary of World History

11.14 Oxford Handbook of International Financial Terms

11.15 The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature

11.16 The Concise Oxford Companion to Irish Literature

11.17 The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology

11.18 The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists

11.19 The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms

11.20 The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Linguistics

11.21 The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics

11.22 The Oxford Dictionary of Twentieth Century Quotations

12. Oxford Dictionary of English 3e

13. Oxford English Dictionary 2e

14. Oxford English Reference Dictionary 2e

15. Oxford Essential Dictionary

16. Oxford Learner's Thesaurus Dictionary

17. Oxford Practical English Grammar

18. Oxford Talking Dictionary

19. Oxford Thesaurus of English

20. Shorter Oxford English Dictionary 6e

21. The New Oxford Picture Dictionary

22. The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs

Roget's Thesaurus

1. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus

2. Roget's Thesaurus of Words for Intellectuals

3. Roget's Thesaurus of Words for Students

4. Roget's Thesaurus of Words for Writers

5. The New American Roget's College Thesaurus


1. Concise Encyclopedia

2. Encyclopaedia Britannica

3. Science Terms Made Easy

4. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

5. Stedman's Medical Dictionary

6. World Book Dictionary

7. World Book Encyclopedia(中文版)

8. 英汉百科翻译大词典

9. 英汉百科知识辞典

10. 中国大百科全书


1. 21世纪大英汉词典

2. 21世纪英汉汉英双向词典

3. ABC汉英词典

4. Babylon Dictionary


6. Microsoft Bing Dictionary Online

7. 必应中英跳转词典

8. 国语字典

9. 汉译英常用表达式

10. 简明必应英汉词典

11. 简明汉英词典

12. 林语堂当代汉英词典

13. 史氏汉英翻译大词典

14. 司登得中英袖珍字典

15. 外研社现代汉英词典·现代英汉词典

16. 新汉英大词典

17. 英汉双解美国习语词典

18. 翟理斯华英字典


1. 国际标准汉语大字典

2. 古汉语常用字字典

3. 国音京音对照表

4. 汉语辞海

5. 汉语大词典

6. 汉语量词历史词典

7. 汉字源流字典


9. 康熙字典

10. 商务新词典

11. 说文解字今释

12. 通用规范汉字表

13. 通用歇后语词典

14. 现代汉语八百词

15. 现代汉语词典

16. 现代汉语分类大词典

17. 现代汉语规范词典

18. 现代汉语虚词词典

19. 象形字典

20. 校改国音字典

21. 写作措辞参考词典

22. 新编成语词典

23. 新华词典

24. 新华字典

25. 远流活用中文大辞典

26. 中华成语大词典

27. 中华语文大辞典

28. 字体及偏旁检索

29. 字源


1. A Dictionary of the English Language

2. A Thesaurus of English Word Roots

3. Ayto's Word Origins

4. English Grammar Profile

5. Garner's Modern English Usage

6. Modern Guide to Synonyms and Related Words

7. Partridge Dictionary of Slang & Unconventional English

8. Reader's Digest Use the Right Word

9. Verbal Advantage

10. The Routledge Dictionary of Modern Slang

11. Word Family Framework

12. 葛传槼英语惯用法词典

13. 英文相似词词典

14. 英语常用疑难词用法

15. 英文词根与单词的说文解字

16. 有道词语辨析

17. 张道真英语语法


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